Welcome To TSA
Technically Sponsored by IEEE Reliability Society
Keynote Speaker
June 9 (Monday)
Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing
by Chin-Chen Chang, Professor
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Feng Chia University, Taiwan
The TSA 2014 conference focuses on innovative methodologies, techniques, tools, management, and applications to produce dependable and trustworthy systems and their applications in a more cost-effective way. It provides a discussion forum to bring together academic researchers, industry practitioners, and government policy and decision makers to exchange ideas and results, share experiences, and explore possible solutions to overcome current challenges.
We welcome submissions on the following topics, although others will be accepted as well:
- Algorithms, Architecture, Framework, Design Patterns and Techniques for Dependable Systems and Software
- Security, Threats, Privacy, Safety, and Risk Management
- Dependability and Reliability
- Fault Tolerance and Availability
- Metrics and Measurement
- Requirements, Process, Standards, and Project Management
- Quality Assurance, Maintenance and Reverse Engineering
- Verification, Validation, Testing, and Analysis
- Formal Methods and Theories
- Communication, Networking, Optimization, and Performance
- Database and Storage
- Empirical Studies, Benchmarking, and Industrial Best Practices
- Applications and Tools
- Pervasive, Ubiquitous, Service-Oriented, and Clouding Computing
- Collaborative, Distributed, Embedded, Real-Time, High Performance, Highly Dependable, Intelligent, Multimedia Systems